Category: Coloured Pencil

Mr Chico

Mr Chico – Coloured Pencil and Gouache

Mr Chico is a mixture of polychromo pencil and white gouache for dramatic effect against a coloured background of pastel paper.


Harry – coloured Pencil and Gouache

Harry is mainly polychromo pencil with a touch of white gouache for his blaze, on coloured pastel paper.



Fluffy – Coloured Pencil and Gouache

This is my cat Fluffy – affectionately known as ‘Her Majesty’.  she was painted with a mixture of coloursoft pencils and various mixed coloured gouache on tinted pastel board.


Barney – Coloured Pencil on white Cartridge Paper

Barney holds a special place in my heart and is still one of my favourite pictures.  He has pride of place on my business cards.  A reminder of days gone by when my children were small and played ball with him in a friends garden.